⛏ Maps of project locations, tasks and events

Find out how to use the project, task and event maps here: How to work with maps of projects, tasks and events πŸ“Ί

🀝 Customer and Supplier maps

You can view all the companies that you register in Caflou (usually customers or suppliers) on the map. You can also use standard filters to filter companies on the map.

You can get an overview of the coverage of the region by your sales managers, coverage of the region by customers by type or sales volumes, etc.

You can easily view the company map from the company overview:

Map of companies

The map can then look like this:

Map of companies

If there are multiple businesses in a given location, the system will display the number, and you can get details about specific businesses by zooming in on the map or clicking on the number. 

πŸ•Ÿ Maps for time entries/tracked time

If your company works in the field (e.g. assembly, installation, servicing, etc.) and you need to know where your colleagues are or where they were on a certain day or time and at the same time you keep track of your work via timetracker/trackers, you can activate user location tracking in your account (always with their permission).


Position tracking according to measured times must be activated in the settings of the Timesheets section:

Map of trackers

User consent

☝ In order for the system to record the user's location, the system prompts the user for permission to share the location. If the user does not accept the permission, their positions will not be recorded. Consent can be revoked or allowed at any time. 

Map view

From the overview for "Tracked time", you can click on the map icon to view an overview of the time entries on the map:

Map of trackers

In the map you can then see:

  1. Current locations of the user whose "tracker" is currently running
  2. Starting locations (the position where the tracker started)
  3. Finish position (the position where the tracker stopped)
  4. All locations
  5. Routes (the system connects the starting location with the current or finish location)

Map of trackers