User administration is again a little easier and faster thanks to the user rights templates. The rights template can be applied to future users when you send an "invitation" (you choose the default rights) or to existing users (you apply the template by editing the rights of the user).

Who will use the rights template?

  • You will use the rights templates if you invite users to your account more frequently and these users have to have a certain matching pattern of user rights (e.g. salesperson, invoice clerk, manager, etc.). You use the rights template to set rights for them at the account level.
  • If you generally approach rights selectively, i.e. you add rights to users by adding roles (on projects, tasks), then you are more likely not to use templates, as these are designed to have rights across the board from the account level. 

See how to work with user rights templates:

Learn more about user rights templates and personalisation templates here: How to administer users ๐Ÿ“บ๐Ÿ“–

We hope you enjoy this new feature and that it allows you to be a little bit more efficient.